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TWF Recommends

#twfrecommends - The Wedding Design Company

December 10, 2022

Vandana Mohan (The Wedding Design Company)

All rise for The One True Queen of Indian Weddings, Ruler of Grace, and Empress of Style and Design. Nobody, and I mean nobody can do it bigger and better than her, while making it look effortless. From Arizona to Auckland, she has planned and designed weddings for the richest and most famous around the world, and does it with ease and so much poise! She takes the time out to have a drink and a meal with us, every time we work together. The twinkle in her eye as she talks about the bridal entry and the colour palettes, tells me how passionate she is about getting things stunningly right!  

Her designs are always original and despite working with her on over 40 weddings, I’ve never seen a repeat prop or flower. Her experience is second to none, and she is one of the few people that understands hospitality and entertainment inside out.

Many popular planners and decorators have worked with her, learnt from her, and have moved on to become big names themselves but Vandana will always remain my one true Queen of Weddings.